Mobile Computer Station Do You Switch Off Mobile Phone At Night?

Do you switch off mobile phone at night? - mobile computer station

Remember, your cell phone on the evening before bedtime, because I think it's a waste of electricity when not in use during the night. I support the conservation of land resources. I always thought you put on cell phone, about me, my body absorb more radiation. As it is, I think the people in modern civilization have been in all types of radiation, reeds and chemicals in our bodies. On the other hand, I think it's silly to leave at night if they want to be disturbed in their sleep. I've had experiences when I forget it off, and someone I really smsed to 5 or 3 clock in the morning. When an SMS message is not taken, the alarm will sound again. And you? I know that most people do not do the phone again at night. In fact, do not turn off their computers, lights, fan and radio, even if they leave their desk, a couple of hours. In fact, some consider it the whole night until morning.


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