Would more people be against the appointment of Burris if he were white and not black? - burris high country
And if they are not racist? I just saw the CNN Web site and which are not scientific polls now show that 75% of the people against him, meeting on Tuesday, 6. If the figure was white, should be higher?
Burris High Country Would More People Be Against The Appointment Of Burris If He Were White And Not Black?
1:35 AM
I do not think it has something to do with color. Do you need a break now do.
It's about the controversy and scandal over his appointment to do.
How can we be sure not to buy the seat? You can deny all you want, but it will be questioned in any action as a senator, if you sit in the cloud.
Edit: Hey, hey, Greg! Good news. Common sense.
I think that is the proportion of people who are against his appointment Burris actually more than that, but I would say that they have against the man if he knows. Profile sure in today's society. I do not know what kind of vote was taken, but I think it was an approach when people on the street. I've seen surveys before and ask the people who are in a race almost as provocations.
Our society has become so sensitive and politically correct people are afraid to say anything, because a liberal will damn the grammar in the vicinity with a scalpel to dissect every word of the sentence and allegations, as she was "really wanted".
You may not speak freely, bSA small piece of political correctness .... You are a racist. How to say "black" instead of "African American." Ok, well, if "black" so shocking, why is there a TV channel called BET - Black Entertainment Television "? Only rappers and their gang are allowed to speak so openly ... You know, asking each other the N word, like. It's unbelievable. I do not use the word not, but I did not want to hear.
Burris is a race Balter. He was talking about 2 sentences before everyone he should be borne in black. Presto! It is the race card, yes, it's all about race. Yes, I am grateful for Mr. Burris. What a wonderful way to bring all of racial harmony through the use of standardTactics to remember what other colors, which we all are. I am sure that Martin Luther King Jr. would be very pleased with you.
Burris is an idiot.
I think it was the fact that the governor has chosen and now in hot water. It seems convenient for him to go to black.
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It is a pleasant place and has many stories of the government.
Why are Democrats, then governor of Illinois Chicago.Yet disturbing twists, we have enjoyed with Crooked Senator, was elected president. (Chicago)
was appointed by a governor.color Crooked has nothing to do with a black president it.we now, if you believe it? I believe that playing the race card to stop blacks
no. Nobody wants to accept gov'r named person. He should quit now. Not even Obama accepts his nomination for each.
NO ... playing the race card.
I would say that if, in Asia, Congress is not ready for Kung Fu
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